Creating a better future — new thinking for a chaotic world.

A new approach to comPlex problem management

Mastering Chaos

We all have problems, right? Life is chaotic when we’re overwhelmed by confusing, unsolvable problems, from the global to the personal. Chaos is all around us, and no one seems to know what to do. But there is hope! This website can help you learn how studies of chaos and complexity are leading to new thinking about all these problems. We also offer tools and resources to use in figuring out what’s going on in your family or workplace. Let us help you master your chaos!

Some of our complex challenges

However, the problems we face are not all global.

What is revolutionary is the understanding that the same pattern exists everywhere.  Nothing works, from families to work, to school to community.  Relationships are all broken. That’s the bad news. The good news is that we have some pretty good ideas for how to change those patterns so they work. Complexity is elegantly simple.


Jo Vanderkloot


Our mission is to help people learn how to manage the complex situations they face and to offer educational resources about chaos and complexity as it manifests in personal and professional lives. This website provides articles, tools and resources for those who want to learn more on their own. Please contact us if you would like a consultation.

Judy Kirmmse


The Whole Elephant

Unlocking Solutions to the Chaos in My Life and Yours

by Jo Vanderkloot with Judy Kirmmse

Jo never understood what was at work inside her priveleged wealthy family until she went to work in one of the most dangerous places in America: the 1980’s South Bronx. There she found the chaos of her family on a massive scale and understood that soon, it was coming for all of us….and how to stop it rolling over you.


The Name of the Game is Fear


New Thinking